Which orchids are winning awards this year? We'd like to know for lots of reasons. This information might guide us in deciding which plants to invest in, which plants might make good breeding stock, which plants are good candidates for growing a specimen. Here's what Wildcatt reports (Note that all awards of 1999 have not yet been published. We will update this information periodically as more of recent awards appear in the AQ publication):
Den. speciosum var. hillii 'Don Brown' CCM 99
A truly majestic, magnificent specimen plant two meters tall, three meters wide with approximately 100, 000 flowers and 173 buds on 400 inflorescences displayed in a symmetrical sphere; flowers cream white; lip maroon stippled.
Exhibitor: Donald E. Brown, Santa Barbara, CA--Judged at: Santa Barbara International Orchid Show Santa Barbara, CA March 19, 1998
Den. speciosum var. hillii 'El Queso Grande' CCM 98
An overwhelming specimen plant, approximately three meters in diameter and in excellent condition; approximately 31,000 flowers and 30,000 buds on 205 inflorescences uniformly distributed around and over, forming a dome of flowers; flowers clear light yellow; lip with light mahogany dots; flowers star shaped, typical for this species.
Exhibitor: Peter S. Tobias, San Diego, CA--Judged at: 52nd Annual San Diego County Orchid Society Show, San Diego, CA
Den. Coralie Breadsell 'Hannah's Flurry' CCM 95
See HCC award description, #981251.
Exhibitor: Josh Sirkin, Miami, FL--Judged at: Florida-Caribbean Center Monthly Judging, Miami, FL
C. Porcia 'Cannizaro' CCM 95
Two hundred three flowers and one bud on 12 110-cm inflorescences symmetrically arrayed, view equally spectacular from all directions; well grown in a 15-inch pot, plant approximately 252 cm in circumference; all inflorescences upright with flowers presented fully open and in good condition, foliage moderatly clean; sepals and petals typical C. Portia, rose-purple color; lip dark purple on outer one-fourth with darker entrance to throat, throat pale yellow; substance average; texture crystalline.
Exhibitor: US Botanic Garden, Kensington MD--Judged at: National Capital Center Monthly Judging, Washington, DC, November 5, 1998
Lyc. Pixie 'Trident's GoldenBeauty' CCM 94
One hundred fifty-three flowers and 25 buds on 178 inflorescences blanketing a 50-cm wide by 22-cm high plant composed of 94 leafless pseudobulbs in a 38cm diameter pot; sepals clear green yellow; petals and lip clear bright yellow; flowers and plant in pristine condition, plant larger with more flowers than previous award.
Exhibitor: Wilford B. Neptune, MD, West Newton, Massachusetts.--Judged at: Northeast Center Monthly Judging, Boylston, Massachusetts.
Spa. unguiculata 'Dalany Paola' CCM 94
One thousand six hundred fifty-six flowers and 79 buds on 36 inflorescences borne on a 110-cm by 81.3-cm size specimen; plant well grown in all directions on a large circumference plastic pot; flowers dark bright lavender fuchsia; measurements not given.
Exhibitor: Ana Delia Cruz, Rio Piedras, PR--Judged at: Puerto Rico Orchid Society Show, San Juan, PR
Hab. carnea 'Orchid Man' CCM 92
Ninety-four flowers and 28 buds on 13 inflorescences on a spectacular plant grown in a 4-inch pot; foliage deep olive green and brown with silver overlay; very large blush pink flowers evenly cover the entire plant; an outstanding display of a beautiful species; previously awarded an 84 point CCM and an 83 point AM with only 25 percent of its current display.
Exhibitor: Joe and Jen Palermo, Schaghticoke, New York.--Judged at: Northeast Center Monthly Judging, Elmsford, New York.
Epi. ciliare 'Lily' CCM 92
Six hundred ten flowers and 122 buds on 61 inflorescences borne on an exceptionally well-grown, clean plant 149 cm in diameter and 73 cm tall, grown in an 8-inch basket; flowers typical of species.
Exhibitor: Max C. Thompson, Winfield KS--Judged at: Kansas Orchid Society Show, Wichita, Kansas, November 6, 1998
Max. pseudoreichenheimiana 'Como Conservatory' CCM 92
Four hundred fifty flowers and two buds on 452 inflorescences borne on a plant 56 cm wide in an 18-cm pot; leaves green with platinum spots; sepals yellow-brown; petals white facing forward; lip white.
Exhibitor: Como Park Conservatory, St. Paul MN--Judged at: Wisconsin Orchid Society Show, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 26, 1998
Masd. datura 'Mtn. Glory' CCM 91
Twenty-eight flowers and five buds beautifully displayed on 33 8-cm to 10cm tall inflorescences growing from the bases of 69 medium green, clean growths 14 cm to 19 cm long in a 12-cm square basket; flowers white slowly darkening to bright yellow along the basal 3 cm; ends of sepaline tubes well spread and flatter than typical for species; caudae greenish yellow; substance fair,- texture matte; petal and lip measurements not given.
Exhibitor: Mountain Orchids, Ludlow, Vermont.--Judged at: Northeast Center Monthly Judging, Boylston, Massachusetts.
Bulb. fraudulentum 'Windy Hill' CCM 91
Plant densely grown on cork slab; edges of dorsal sepal overlapped by lateral sepals which are apically connate, openings at base of dorsal 1.0 cm. long, 0.75 cm. high, outside surface of sepals citron with maroon spots, reticulations; tiny petals lacquered maroon; substance moderate; texture matte; recognized for unusually large flowers; native to New Guinea.
Exhibitor: Marilyn and Brian Le Doux, Labadie, Missouri--Judged at: Memphis Orchid Society Show, Memphis, Tennessee.
Cirr. lepidum 'D & B 42' CCM 91
Six hundred eighty-two flowers and 1100 buds on 160 inflorescences borne on a plant 170 cm in diameter by 45 cm high, grown in an 8-inch basket almost completely obscured by very symmetrical growth; umbellate flowers pale yellow, rose-purple centrally; dorsal sepal pale yellow, overlaid rose-purple apically; fused sepals pale yellow with dense red spots centrally; petals yellow overlaid rose-purple apically; lip waxy, red with greenish yellow stripes and tip; substance average; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Doris Dukes, Dover, FL--Judged at: Florida North Central Center Monthly Judging, Tampa, FL
L. pumila 'Santa Barbara Glory' CCM 91
Thirty-two flowers and two buds on 17 inflorescences borne in an excellent display surrounding a 30-cm wide and 40-cm tall plant; a very good example of this species.
Exhibitor: Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Santa Barbara, CA--Judged at: Orchid Society of Sanata Barbara Fall Show, Santa Barbara, California
Dend. wenzelii 'Erin' CCM 91
Two thousand five hundred eight flowers on 66 inflorescences borne on a well-grown plant in a 4-inch clay pot; leaves and flowers in excellent condition; flowers concolor brick red with yellow bracts; nicely arched inflorescences made for pleasing presentation; flower segments too small to measure.
Exhibitor: Wilbur Chang, Kaneohe, HI--Judged at: Hawaii Center Monthly Judging, Kaneohe, Hawaii
Lyc. Pixie 'Trident's Golden Beauty' CCM 90
One hundred forty-seven unblemished flat flowers each on a 10-cm inflorescence arising basally from spiny, leafless pseudobulbs on a plant with over 30 new growths in a 30-cm pot; sepals clear green yellow; petals and lip clear bright yellow, column soft light yellow with tiny cinnamon spots at the base; flower condition as well as number of flowers creates a stunning presentation.
Exhibitor: Wilford B. Neptune, MD, West Newton, MA--Judged at: New Hampshire Orchid Society Show Nashua, NH April 23, 1998
L. harpophylla 'Mayan Fantasy' CCM 90
See AM Award, #920920.
Exhibitor: Fred Clarke, Vista, CA--Judged at: 52 Nd Annual San Diego County Orchid Society Show San Diego, CA March 13, 1998
Asctm. miniatum 'Lea' CCM 90
One thousand seventy-one flowers on 17 inflorescences borne on a plant extremely well grown with no blemishes; flowers in peak, optimum condition, orange; lip orange with red inside throat.
Exhibitor: Orchid Center, Waianae, Hawaii.--Judged at: Windward Orchid Society Spring Show, Kaneohe, Hawaii.
Pgnia. ophioglossoides 'Trident's Sugar Baby' CCM 90
Nineteen flowers and one bud on 20 perfectly erect, unstaked inflorescences borne on a superbly presented plant showing excellent culture; sepals delicate baby pink; petals baby pink, clasping forward, typical for species; lip fringed, pink, striped purple with central white callus.
Exhibitor: Wilford B. Neptune, M.D., West Newton, MA--Judged at: Northeast Center Monthly Judging, White Plains, NY
Trias. picta 'D & B #27' CCM 90
Sixteen flowers and 28 buds on 44 inflorescences borne on an immaculate plant 32 cm wide by 32 cm long grown on a 10.5-cm by 33-cm plaque; flower translucent yellow-green; sepals and petals heavily peppered with raised burgundy spots; lip mobile, almost solid with deeper burgundy spots; column white overlaid with minute purple spots centrally; substance firm, - texture shiny.
Exhibitor: Doris Dukes and Bill Thoms, Dover, FL--Judged at: Jacksonville Orchid Society Show Jacksonville, FL March 14, 1998
C. skinneri 'Heiti Jacobs' CCM 90
Three hundred ninety flowers and 16 buds on 39 inflorescences borne on a plant 44 inches across by 24 inches high growing in a 16-inch basket; perfect culture with no blemishes on leaves; more floriferous and larger size flowers than previous CCM. Clone also previously awarded FCC/ACIS.
Exhibitor: R. F. Orchids, Inc., Homestead, Florida.--Judged at: South Florida Orchid Society Show, Miami, Florida.
Den. superbum fma. album 'Soroa' CCM 90
Five hundred ten flowers and 150 budson 44 flowering canes uniformly distributed around a 1-m diameter plant consisting of an additional 100 non-flowering canes; grown in a 45-cm basket; flowers crystalline white; flower count and size of flowers significantly greater than previous award.
Exhibitor: Soroa Orchids, Inc., Miami, Florida.--Judged at: Greater New York Orchid Society Show, New York, New York.
Masd. coccinea 'Josephine' FCC 94
Eighteen well-displayed flowers and seven buds on 25 inflorescences; flowers brilliant fluorescent fuchsia so deep its veins not readily apparent; substance heavy; texture velvety; petal and lip measurements not given.
Exhibitor: Hillsview Orchids, Gresham, OR--Judged at: Oregon Orchid Society's Spring Show And Plant Sale Portland, OR April 25, 1998
Paph. Julius 'Pershing' FCC 92
Fifteen flowers, of exceptional quality, overall flat form and vibrant color and three buds majestically arrayed on four 60-cm average and one emerging inflorescences; dorsal sepal yellow, heavily overlaid with intense mahogany stripes and veins; synsepal pale yellow-greenwith even mahogany stripes; petals bright yellow gold with dark mahogany spots and stripes centrally becoming fully saturated with mahogany on outer half; pouch green gold overlaid dark mahogany with heavier mahogany venation, color
Exhibitor: Floradise Orchids, Gordonsville, Virginia.--Judged at: National Capital Center Monthly Judging, Washington, District of Columbia.
Phrag. Jason Fischer 'Marriott Red Titan' FCC 91
One flower and two buds on one 38-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal, petals and pouch hirsute bright blood red; synsepal light citron; pouch with cardinal red veins interiorly and exteriorly, creamy yellow basally with minute blood red spots on interior edge; staminode creamy yellow with blood red cilia; substance firm; texture velvety.
Exhibitor: Marriott Orchids, Greensboro, NC--Judged at: Carolinas Supplemental Center Monthly Judging, Raleigh, NC
Phrag. Jason Fischer 'Velvet Fire' FCC 91
One flat flower and two buds on one 48-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal and petals concolor saturated flame red; synsepal yellow with red blush; pouch flame red, hint of stripes on surface, yellow heavily spotted red internally; staminode yellow, blushed red; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Jerry Fischer, Plymouth MN--Judged at: Illinois Orchid Society Fall Mini Show, Glencoe, IL, October 16, 1998
Phrag. Jason Fischer 'Jason's Choice' FCC 91
One flat, stunning flower and two buds on one 43-cm inflorescence; nearly perfect concolor flower of excellent proportions with perfectly horizontal petals; sepals and petals brilliant scarlet; pouch overlaid red-orange; substance firm; texture crystalline.
Exhibitor: Orchids Ltd., Plymouth, Minnesota.--Judged at: Orchid Society of Minnesota Winter Carnival Show, St. Paul, Minnesota.
V. Nonthaburi 'Giant' FCC 91
Nine superbly shaped, large flowers on one inflorescence; flowers uniform rose-pink with darker tessellations; dorsal sepal and petals finely spotted dark rose; lip midlobe deep rose, side lobes bright yellow; substance extra heavy; texture sparkling; judged to be one of the best Josephine van Brero hybrids to date.
Exhibitor: The Orchid Specialist, Apopka FL--Judged at: Central Florida Orchid Society Fall Show, Orlando, Florida, October 12, 1998
Paph. Prince Edward of York 'Hilo Orchid Farm' FCC 91
Four impressive flowers nearly perfectly arranged on one upright inflorescence; sepals lemon yellow with clear dark mahogany stripes; petals curving outward symmetrically, lemon yellow with spots and stripes basally, drooping down spiraling and darkening in color distally; pouch olive brown.
Exhibitor: Hilo Orchid Farm, Mountain View, Hawaii.--Judged at: 47th Annual Hilo Orchid Society Show, Hilo, Hawaii.
Paph. hirsutissimum var. esquirolei 'Taka' FCC 91
One imposing flower of superb qualities on one 30-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal pale green overlaid entirely with dark gray-brown except on 0.7 cm. marginal band; petals very broad, red-brown proximally, with bright purple-maroon over distal half;pouch olive green overlaid with tan; staminode dark mahogany with two green eyes and one mouth-like mark; substance good; texture glossy on dorsal sepal, matte on petals and pouch.
Exhibitor: Chao Jen-Fong, Puli City, Nan Tou, Taiwan, Republic of China--Judged at: Taiwan International Orchid Show '98 Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic Of China March 26, 1998
L. jongheana fma alba 'Nakamoto' FCC 91
Five flowers and one bud on three inflorescences; flower form flat and near perfect jongheana shape; sepals and petals of the purest white with diamond dust texture; apex of lip pure white, interior and keel deep egg yolk yellow; substance firm; essentially no reflexing of sepals and petals nor bowlegged lateral sepal; an extremely fine example of the rare alba form of Laelia jongheana.
Exhibitor: Steve Christoffersen, Napa, California.--Judged at: San Francisco Orchid Society 47th Annual Show, San Francisco California.
C. loddigesii var. coerulea 'Isa' FCC 91
Six exceptionally large flowers on one good inflorescence; sepals and petals blue; substance good; texture crystalline.
Exhibitor: Angela de Allarenga, San Jose, --Judged at: Asociacion Costarricense de Orquideologia Show, San Jose, Costa Rica
L. purpurata 'Mary Jo' FCC 91
Twenty-three flowers open and pleasingly presented on five inflorescences; extremely flat, non-curled sepals and petals chalk white with faint purple striations and venation; lip deep purple over central two-thirds with dark purple venation over light purple flush apically, throat pale yellow with fine purple venation.
Exhibitor: Stewart Orchids, Carpinteria, California.--Judged at: Pacific South Supplemental Center Monthly Judging, Long Beach, California.
Bnt. speclosa 'Green Egret' FCC 91
Forty-four magnificent flowers, larger and more full than when given a prior AM/AOS, and 23 buds clustered perfectly, spaced uniformly on one compact inflorescence; sepals clear green, lateral sepals dark lime green; petals and exposed stigmatic surfaces on column very white, forming a strong contrast; lip bright lime green; substance heavy.
Exhibitor: Pat and Ginny Worthington, Laguna Beach, California.--Judged at: Orange County Branch, Cymbidium Society of America Show, Costa Mesa, California.
Vasco. Five Friendships 'Sweetheart' FCC 90
An outstanding vandaceous hybrid, this clone exhibiting excellent color and contrast, full flat form with superb proportion and presentation; sixty-one flowers on four inflorescences, including one flowering keiki; sepals and petals white, tipped amethyst at the midpoint; lip intense clear amethyst, turning white with light amethyst blush on the side lobes and spur; anther cap cream with fine vertical bar of amethyst through the center; flowers held upright and not exhibiting the nodding typical in this line of breeding.
Exhibitor: Carri Raven-Riemann, Stamford CT--Judged at: Northeast Center Monthly Judging - Elmsford, Elmsford, NY, August 15, 1998
Phrag. Jason Fischer 'Crimson King' FCC 90
One stately, flat flower and two buds on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal and petals totally saturated ruby red; synsepal pale yellow-green with red blush basally; pouch ruby red with deeper striation on surface, interior yellow with heavy spots and stripes externally; staminode blush pink with red centrally and all portions covered by fine hairs; substance good; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Marriott Orchids, Greensboro, North Carolina.--Judged at: National Capital Orchid Society Paphiopedilum Forum, Washington, District of Columbia.
Paph. Southport 'Max Thompson' FCC 90
Two flowers and two buds on one 50-cm inflorescence; flowers lime green with dark mahogany veins on sepals; synsepal lime green with emerald green tessellations; petals with dark mahogany spots and magenta cillia; pouch lime green overlaid with mahogany and darker mahogany veins; staminode mahogany with magenta hairs; substance heavy; texture varnished.
Exhibitor: Max C. Thompson, Winfield, KS--Judged at: Great Plains Center Monthly Judging, Oklahoma City, OK
Phrag. besseae 'Eric the Red' FCC 90
One extremely symmetrical, round flat flower and three buds on one very straight inflorescence; flower brilliant crimson; dorsal sepal in perfect balance with pouch; synsepal golden yellow, covering the back of the pouch; pouch golden yellow heavilyveined crimson; substance outstanding; texture hyaline.
Exhibitor: Stephen Helbling, Cincinnati, Ohio.--Judged at: Cincinnati Center Monthly Judging, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Hab. rhodocheila 'Nuuanu' FCC 90
Thirty-six striking, extremely large, coral flowers and 32 buds on seven inflorescences; typically hooded dorsal sepal and lateral sepals ice green; petals green, tipped orange; lip vibrant, evenly colored coral with bright orange base, lobes extremely wide and flat; spur tawny; flowers noted for large size and vibrant coloration.
Exhibitor: Fishing Creek Orchids, Harrisburg PA--Judged at: National Capital Orchid Society Show, Washington, DC, October 9, 1998
Paph. rothschildianum 'Sam's Best' FCC 90
Eight flowers and one bud ontwostrong, 78-cm inflorescences borne on a robust plant 99 cm wide; sepals cream-colored with uniform, intense, dark mahogany stripes; petals horizontal, hirsute margins with color comparable to petals and intense dark mahogany spots over basal half becoming almost clear cream-colored at base; pouch cream-colored with red mahogany veins, rimmed with yellow cream-color; substance hard; texture sparkling.
Exhibitor: Sam K. Tsui, Downs, IL--Judged at: Memphis Orchid Society Show Memphis, TN May 16, 1998
Paph. rothschildianum 'Mont Milais' FCC 90
Four stunning, exceptionally well colored flowers on one strong 48-cm inflorescence borne on a well grown plant; sepals and petals mustard yellow, dorsal sepal and synsepal boldly striped oxblood and almost mirror images, petals hirsute, crenulated proximally, evenly striped oxblood and held a few degrees off horizontal; pouch mahogany, rimmed yellow; substance hard; texture waxy; commended for color, arrangement and shape.
Exhibitor: A & P Orchids, Swansea, Massachusetts.--Judged at: Mid-Atlantic Center Monthly Judging, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Phal. Ben Goo AQ
Recognized for uniformity of growth and flowering habit on floriferous plants with short inflorescences bearing compact clusters of several intensely colored flowers of uniform garnet red to saturated carmine lacking fading typical of Phal.
Exhibitor: Eric Goo and Phoenix Orchids, Phoenix, Arizona.--Judged at: Mahalo progeny; two of 12 plants previously awarded an AM and an HCC.Pacific South Center Monthly Judging, Burbank, California.
Phal. Brother Precious Stones AQ
Fourteen plants exhibited as a group; exceptionally large purple-red flowers of the I!Phal. lueddemanniana!I type; well displayed on consistently long strong stems; immaturity of some plants precluded more quality awards within group.
Exhibitor: Sedona Orchids, Homestead, FL--Judged at: Florida-Caribbean Center Monthly Judging, Miami, FL
Phal. Brother Supersonic AQ
Award of Quality given for uniform quality with excellent substance, good presentation, wide range of color from solid deep red-purple to intense spots on cream colored base and uniform deep velvety purple lips, on first bloom seedlings; twelve plants exhibited, two HCC of 79 points awarded.
Exhibitor: Marriott Orchids, Greensboro, NC--Judged at: Carolinas Supplemental Center Monthly Judging, Raleigh, NC
Dtps. Brother Wedding Waltz AQ
A grouping of 12 plants with one AM and two HCCs given; awarded for color, flower size, heavy substance, and the overall consistency of the cross.
Exhibitor: Max C. Thompson, Winfield, Kansas.--Judged at: Great Plains Center Monthly Judging, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Hybridizer: Brother Orchid Nurseries.
Phal. Brother Wildcat AQ
The grex is recognized for its white flowers with amethyst marks, consistency of shape and diversity of color and marks; two clones received HCC's.
Exhibitor: R. F. Orchids, Inc., Homestead FL--Judged at: Key West Orchid Society Show, Key West, FL, March 12, 1998
Dtps. Buena Lemon Brite AQ
Recognized for uniformity, excellent flat form and clarity of yellow coloring; 12 plants with three awarded clones, all with bright and shapely flowers.
Exhibitor: Oceanside Orchids, Oceanside, CA--Judged at: Pacific South Supplemental Center Monthly Judging, Long Beach, CA
Dtps. Dark Victory AQ
Fourteen plants presented for judging included fourawarded plants,three AMs and one HCC- all plants exhibited uniform form Q distinctive color; large sized blooms and robustness evident in all plants.
Exhibitor: John G. Martin, MD, Duncanville, Texas.--Judged at: Dallas Center Monthly Judging, Dallas, Texas.
Milt. Hajime Ono AQ
Recognized for the richness of color, boldness of pattern in the lip, especially the waterfall; well-presented arrangement of inflorescences and high flower count add to the appeal of this exceptional hybrid.
Exhibitor: Ivan Komoda, Makawao, Maui, Hawaii.--Judged at: Hawaii Supplemental Center Monthly Judging, Maui, Hawaii.
Phal. Imp's Sparks AQ
Thirteen first bloomed seedlings; one AM given; Award of Quality given for brilliant red and bronze red artshades, large size, minimum 6.2 cm; substance very heavy; texture lacquered. Hybridizer: John G. Martin, MD.
Exhibitor: John G. Martin, MD, Duncanville, TX--Judged at: Dallas Center Monthly Judging Dallas, TX May 9, 1998
Phal. Katie Morris AQ
Fourteen plants of consistent quality, presenting flowers with an array of attractive colors, exceptional substance and texture, on erect inflorescences some branching; hybridzer has achieved a high level of quality and desirability within this grex.
Exhibitor: H. P. Norton, Moncks Corner, South Carolina.--Judged at: Dallas Center Monthly Judging, Dallas, Texas.
Phal. Little Bebe AQ
Eighteen clones of cross were submitted of which five were given quality awards; recognized for delicate coloration; clean, well-spaced and charming presentation; consistent quality. Hybridizer: Bill Tippit.
Exhibitor: Bill Tippit, Friendswood, TX--Judged at: Houston Center Monthly Judging Houston, TX April 18, 1998
Masd. Mario Ferrusi AQ
A group of twelve plants, two of which were previously granted AOS flower quality awards and a third which received an AM at this judging; recognized for good uniformity of floral characteristics displaying a fine combination of the parents' qualities. Hybridizer: Gerardus Staal.
Exhibitor: Adario and Conni Ferrusi, Fenwick, Ontario, Canada--Judged at: 24th Annual Genesee Region Orchid Society Show Rochester, NY April 17, 1998
Phal. Mary Tauscher-Goo AQ
Twelve plants, five receiving awards, exhibiting superior colors in rich magentas and purples, floriferousness, and upright stature and height of inflorescences.
Exhibitor: Eric Goo and Phoenix Orchids, Phoenix, AZ--Judged at: Pacific South Supplemental Center Monthly Judging, Long Beach, CA
Paph. Satchel Paige AQ
Twelve multi-fan plants, each with two or more inflorescences, distinguished for uniformity of overall flower quality, including three clones with flower quality awards, two given at this judging; flower color dominated by deep dark burgundy on petals and pouch; pouch also featured lacquered texture.
Exhibitor: Krull-Smith Orchids, Inc., Sorrento, Florida.--Judged at: Florida North Central Center Monthly Judging, Tampa, Florida.
Dtps. Sogo Manager AQ
Given to a group of 12 plants, two of which were awarded at this judging; grex exhibits outstanding qualities forflowers of modern yellow breeding, including diversity, , clarity and non-fading of color; flowers present themselves well on the inflorescences; excellent substance and crystalline texture round out this grex's fine points. Hybridizer: Brother Orchid Nursery
Exhibitor: R. F. Orchids, Inc. Homestead, FL--Judged at: Key West Orchid Society Show Key West, FL March 12, 1998
Phal. Taida Lawrence AQ
Recognized for richness of color (yellow with purple markings) and overall good shape. Hybridizer: Carmela Orchids.
Exhibitor: Carmcla Orchids, Hakalau, Hl--Judged at: Big Island Supplemental Center Monthly Judging Hilo, HL March 13, 1998
Phal. Taisuco Snow AQ
Cross recognized for uniformly large, flat, white flowers on well-presented inflorescences.
Exhibitor: R. F. Orchids, Inc.,Homestead, Florida.--Judged at: Naples Orchid Society Show, Naples, Florida. Hybridizer: Ho Min-Lo, Da-Lin Taiwan.
Ctna. Why Not AQ
Superior form with vigorous plant growth; one plant from group of twelve received AM/AOS at same showing; measurements not given.
Exhibitor: Orchid Center, Waianae, HI--Judged at: Windward Orchid Society 19th Annual Spring Orchid Show, Kaneohi, HI
Masd. coccinea AQ
Fifteen plants of uniform high quality, three having received awards at this show and a previous FCC. Hybridizer: Hillsview Orchids.
Exhibitor: Hillsview Orchids, Gresham, OR--Judged at: Oregon Orchid Society's Spring Show And Plant Sale Portland, OR April 25, 1998
Dyakea. hendersoniana AQ
Recognized for uniformity of exceptionally brilliant magenta rose throughout the 18 exhibited plants.
Exhibitor: Doris Dukes, Dover, FL--Judged at: Platinum Coast Orchid Society Show, Merritt Island, FL
Paph. wardii AQ
Twelve multiple growth plants awarded for uniformly high flower quality and exceptionally large size; two plants received AM awards.
Exhibitor: A & P Orchids, Swansea, Massachusetts.--Judged at: Mid-Atlantic Center Monthly Judging, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Paph. Macabre 'Midnight Legend' AM 85
One large stately flower borne on one 20-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal white flushed dusty rose, striped burgundy; synsepal white, striped burgundy, flushed apple green centrally; petals wide, upper half white, striped and flushed apple green, lower half striped and flushed burgundy thinning to light rose at petal margin tips, entire surface coverd in black warts; pouch large, uniformly colored burgundy; staminode cream colored, veined apple green; substance average; texture waxy.
Exhibitor: Doug & Terry Kennedy, Gormley, Ontario --Judged at: Toronto Center Monthly Judging, Toronto, Ontario, September 5, 1998
Paph. Macabre 'Gerry' AM 84
One large, flat flower held on one 41-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal raspberry with dark burgundy vertical venation; petals raspberry, green centrally, heavily barred and spotted dark burgundy; lip deep matte burgundy; substance firm; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Gerry Dizon, Kansas City, MO--Judged at: Mid-American Center Monthly Judging St. Louis, MO March 7, 1998
Paph. Macabre 'Windy Hill' AM 83
One flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal white overlaid burgundy with dark burgundy veins, off-white picotee; petals medium green, centrally heavily overlaid with dark burgundy spots coalescing to near solid burgundy in distal half; pouch uniformly solid burgundy; staminode cream colored with light green veins; substance firm; texture ma tte.
Exhibitor: Marilyn and Brian Le Doux, Labadie, Missouri.--Judged at: Mid-America Center Monthly Judging, St. Louis, Missouri.
Paph. Macabre 'Diana' AM 82
One exceedingly well-shaped flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal white with green stripes and mahogany overlay; petals green fading to beige at tips, heavily and evenly spotted; pouch mahogany.
Exhibitor: Brashear & Dunn, Everett, WA--Judged at: Treasure Valley Orchid Society Annual Spring Show, Boise, ID
Paph. Macabre 'Diane Patricia' AM 82
One nicely displayed flower on one 26-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal white centrally overlaid with pale rose, veined with deep burgundy; petals green, heavily overlaid with glistening almost black warts; pouch deep burgundy; petals held more horizontally than many previous awards.
Exhibitor: Jack Schendowich, Coral Springs, FL--Judged at: West Palm Beach Center Monthly Judging, West Palm Beach, FL
Paph. Macabre 'Big Big' AM 82
One full, flat, well-presented flower; sepals white with green and oxblood lines; pe als light green with oxblood spots throughout and oxblood blush apically; pouch oxbloodlstaminode green; texture glossy.
Exhibitor: Paphanatics, uri Ltd., Anaheim, California.--Judged at: Pacific South Center Monthly Judging, Burbank, California.
Paph. Macabre 'Memoria Budd Dunn' AM 81
One flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal white, medial stripes green, lateral stripes purple; synsepal white with green and purple stripes; petals pale green, upper half darker, brighter green, lower half and tips overlaid light pink, overlaidwith large spots, edges ciliate; pouch broad, well formed, warm purple.
Exhibitor: Brashear & Dunn, Everett, WA--Judged at: Spokane Orchid Society Spring Show And Sale Spokane, WA April 4, 1998
Paph. Macabre 'Jennifer' AM 81
One striking flower on one good inflorescence; dorsal sepal white blushed rose, venation olive medially, burgundy laterally; petals deep apple green medially, white distally, set off by exceptionally well distributed clear dark burgundy spots; pouchdeep matte burgundy.
Exhibitor: Out on a Limb Orchids, Camano Island, Washington.--Judged at: Pacific Northwest Center Monthly Judging, Tacoma, Washington.
Paph. Macabre 'J & M' AM 80
One well-formed flower on one self-supported inflorescence; dorsal sepal pink with mahogany striations; petals green with near black overlay and hirsute margins; pouch dark mahogany; staminode green; substance moderate; texture glistening.
Exhibitor: J & M Tropicals, Inc., Cantonment, FL--Judged at: Mobile Area Orchid Society 24 Th Orchid Show Mobile, AL March 21, 1998
Paph. Macabre 'Elizabeth' AM 80
One large, well-formed flower on one inflorescence borne on an attractive, mottled leafed plant; sepals light pink with burgundy venation; nearly horizontal petals dark burgundy, hirsute on margins; pouch dark burgundy; substance firm; texture glossy.
Exhibitor: R.K.S. Orchids, Glen Rock PA--Judged at: Maryland Orchid Society Show, Owings Mills, MD, April 16, 1998
Paph. Macabre 'Halloween' AM 80
One massive flower with exceptionally wide petals on one 26-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal white with dark maroon stripes over rose flush on basal two-thirds; synsepal greenish white with deep maroon stripes; petals evenly ciliated along edges, apple green on upper basal portion, pale rose on lower portion and distally deep burgundy, warts sparse basally and at distal margins; pouch solid deep burgundy; staminode pale green, marbled apple green; substance average; texture satiny.
Exhibitor: Joe Kunisch, Pittsford NY--Judged at: Toronto Center Monthly Judging, Toronto, Ontario, October 3, 1998
Paph. Macabre 'BlackDreams' AM 80
One well-formed flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal white with dark burgundy stripes; petals deep pink with near black overlay and ciliated margins; pouch deep maroon; staminode pale green; substance firm; texture glistening.
Exhibitor: Paphanatics, un Ltd., Anaheim, California.--Judged at: Pacific South Center Monthly Judging, Burbank, California.
Paph. Macabre 'Eruption' AM 80
One flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal dusted pink fading apically to white with wine colored stripes; synsepal light green with pronounced wine colored stripes; petals and pouch extremely black-purple over yellow green base.
Exhibitor: Hilo Orchid Farm, Mountain View, Hawaii.--Judged at: Big Island Supplemental Center Monthly Judging, Hilo, Hawaii.
Paph. Macabre 'Dee' HCC 79
One flower on one 28-cm, slightly twisted inflorescence; dorsal sepal white, suffused pink, fading to white apically, veined red mahogany; synseapl light green with mahogany and green veins; petals base color dark green almost completely overlaid with dark mahogany warts, lightly hirsute marginally; pouch dark red mahogany; staminode light green; substance firm; texture waxy.
Exhibitor: Doug & Terry Kennedy, Gormley, Ontario, --Judged at: Southern Ontario Orchid Society Show and AOS Trustees Meetin, Toronto, Ontario
Paph. Macabre 'Lionstar' HCC 79
One well-proportioned coloratum flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal white with green stripes; synsepal light green with darker green stripes; wide petals light green with faint rose flush at tips, nicely marked with mahogany spots, edges hirsute; pouch dark matte brown, fading to green at bottom of pouch and to the rear; a well shaped flower with good substance.
Exhibitor: Lionstar Orchids, Glen Ridge, NJ--Judged at: Northeast Center Monthly Judging - Elmsford, Elmsford, NY
Paph. Macabre 'Glen Cove' HCC 79
One full, shapely, uniform flower of coloratum type; sepals white with light green overlay turning to light rose marginally, and darker venation; petals white with light green overlay, darker green venation, and deep burgundy spots throughout; pouch light green with brown overlay and darker venation; substance average; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Glen F. Decker, Glen Cove NY--Judged at: East-West Orchid Show and AOS Trustees Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, October 22, 1998
Paph. Macabre 'Weird Bird' HCC 78
One stately, well-balanced flower on one inflorescence; sepals white with oxblood spots, green lines; petals green, white apically, with chocolate brown spots throughout; pouch rich mahogany with darker venation; texture satiny.
Exhibitor: Paphanatics, unLtd., Anaheim, CA--Judged at: Pacific South Center Monthly Judging Burbank, CA March 9, 1998
Paph. Macabre 'Lunar Eclipse' HCC 78
One flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal rose, with olive venation proximally, shading to maroon distally; petals apple green and rose proximally, with green venation distally, overlaid with maroon blotches; pouch maroon; staminode light green with green tessellation; substance moderate; texture glossy.
Exhibitor: Orchids of Los Osos, Los Osos, CA--Judged at: 52 Nd Annual San Diego County Orchid Society Show San Diego, CA March 13, 1998
Paph. Macabre 'Mount Prospect' HCC 78
One flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal rose, marked with deep burgundy veins; petals green basally, overlaid with black-burgundy coalescent warts, becoming solid distally; pouch solid black-burgundy; staminode pale green; substance average; texture semi-glossy; awarded for the intensity and the pleasantly contrasting colors of the flower.
Exhibitor: Helen Hersh, Plainfield, NJ--Judged at: Northeast Center Monthly Judging, Elmsford, NY
Paph. Macabre 'Hilo OrchidFarm' HCC 78
One dark, balanced flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal light burgundy with dark vertical stripes; petals green heavily overlaid with black burgundycoalescing spots; pouch dark matte burgundy.
Exhibitor: Hilo Orchid Farm, Mountain View, Hawaii.--Judged at: Big Island Supplemental Center Monthly Judging, Hilo, Hawaii.
Paph. Macabre 'Overachiever' HCC 78
One boldly marked flower on one inflorescence; sepals crystalline white with brown stripes and slight pink flush; very broad petals lime green with darker stripes and a multitude of dark mahogany spotspouch rich chestnut brown.
Exhibitor: Paphanatics, un Ltd., Anaheim, California.--Judged at: Pacific South Center Monthly Judging, Burbank, California.
Paph. Macabre 'Annestasa' HCC 78
One stately, symmetrical flower on one inflorescence; sepals white with maroon and green venation; ciliate petals white overlaid green with more pronounced green venation and rich oxblood spots; pouch oxblood with dark venation; staminode light greenwith dark green veins; substance average; texture waxy.
Exhibitor: Annette Sobolewski, Coleman, Michigan.--Judged at: Cincinnati Center Monthly Judging, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Paph. Macabre 'Vini Wide Hands' HCC 77
One fat, uniform flower on one 31-cm inflorescence; sepals cream white suffused with dark rose and with darker stripes, dorsal sepal rather hooded; wide petals cream white with green overlay, darker venation and many heavy burgundy spots; pouch very deep burgundy; substance medium; texture matte.
Exhibitor: Paphanatics, unLtd., Anaheim, CA--Judged at: Pacific South Center Monthly Judging, Burbank, CA